
Dingwall Combustion 3X 5-String Multi-Scale Bass - 3-Pickup Quilt Top Vintageburst w/Pau Ferro Fretboard
Dingwall Combustion 3X 5-String Multi-Scale Bass - 3-Pickup Quilt Top Vintageburst w/Pau Ferro FretboardDingwall basses have been synonymous with great tone, definition and the “Best B in the business!” When bass players purchase or switch to a Dingwall they hear nothing but praise from the sound engineers both live and in the studio. The reaso...

Dingwall NG3 Adam "Nolly" Getgood Signature 5-String Multi-Scale Bass - 3-PU Ducati White w/Maple FB

Dingwall NG3 Adam "Nolly" Getgood Signature 5-String Multi-Scale Bass - 3-PU Ducati White w/Maple FB
Dingwall NG Adam "Nolly" Getgood Signature NG3 3-Pickup 5-String Electric Bass Guitar - Ducati Pearl White (Matte)Dingwall basses have been synonymous with great tone, definition and the “Best B in the business!” When bass players purchase or switch to a Dingwall they hear nothing but praise from the sound engineers both live and in the studio. ...

Dingwall Combustion 3X 5-String Multi-Scale Bass - 3-Pickup Quilt Top Vintageburst w/Maple Fretboard

Dingwall Combustion 3X 5-String Multi-Scale Bass - 3-Pickup Quilt Top Vintageburst w/Maple Fretboard
Dingwall Combustion 3X Multi-Scale 5-String Electric Bass Guitar - VintageburstDingwall basses have been synonymous with great tone, definition and the “Best B in the business!” When bass players purchase or switch to a Dingwall they hear nothing but praise from the sound engineers both live and in the studio. The reason being that they natural...

Dingwall Combustion 3X 5-String Multi-Scale Bass - 3-Pickup Quilt Top Indigoburst w/Maple Fretboard

Dingwall Combustion 3X 5-String Multi-Scale Bass - 3-Pickup Quilt Top Indigoburst w/Maple Fretboard
Dingwall Combustion 3X Multi-Scale 5-String Electric Bass Guitar - IndigoburstDingwall basses have been synonymous with great tone, definition and the “Best B in the business!” When bass players purchase or switch to a Dingwall they hear nothing but praise from the sound engineers both live and in the studio. The reason being that they naturall...