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Black Arts Toneworks

Black Arts Toneworks Rabid Mammal V2 Fuzz / Boost Pedal
Previously available as customshop version called the Rabid Mammal GREEN. The v2 has all stock original Rabid Mammal tones with the addition of three toggles for alternate tonal shaping.The boost section is a Witch Boost, now with added GRN low gain switch. This is a little less compressed giving a more solid and larger sonic boost. The fuzz sec...

Black Arts Toneworks Son Of Pharaoh Fuzz Pedal
The Son stays true to the patriarch of the Pharaoh line. All of what you achieve with the Gold Standard Pharaoh, you will achieve with the Son of Pharaoh,with one exception:You will save pedalboard space. The Son has a footprint of 2.75×5 inches saving space on today’s crowded pedalboards.The Son of Pharaoh has all familiar features of the Gold ...

Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Fuzz Pedal
Description:For musicians who love their guitar and amp’s tone. The Pharaoh pedal, while its roots and DNA are classic fuzz, has a few twists. The Pharaoh has a wide range of clipping and tonal options. From a cleanish boost, to a light OD, all the way to saturated fuzz. It sounds clear and natural, strong and bold. Your guitar sound isn’t high ...

Black Arts Toneworks Witch Burner Overdrive Pedal
Not your dad’s overdrive…Too much gain. Too much mids and too much highs. This pedal operates on a Standard 9VDC power supply. No battery connection.

Black Arts Toneworks Raw Heart Dual Circuit Overdrive Distortion Pedal
Sometime ago, Black Arts worked with Mike Scheidt from YOB to design a distortion pedal which addressed the shortcomings of his favorite distortion at that time, the Ross Distortion. Black Arts used his pedal as a starting point and by adding a three band active EQ between gainstages among other tweaks we achieved the desired tonality, aggressio...

Black Arts Toneworks Quantum Mystic Overdrive Pedal
The Quantum Mystic Overdrive was developed working closely with Mike Scheidt from the Portland Oregon band , Yob. Mike is known for great tone and groundbreaking music in the metal and doom community. Black Arts decided to adapt his favorite pedal from the seminal early YOB records into an updated and upgraded circuit. The Quantum Mystic is an o...

Black Arts Toneworks Priestess Fuzz Pedal
Loud. Raw. Thick. Incredible tone shaping.The Priestess takes the best of the various versions of the BMP and combines them into a singular sonic assault.– 1st gain stage – Pharaoh. Higher headroom input results in great stacking possibilities– 2nd gain stage – Green Russian results in a solid attack and bottom end– 3rd gain stage – NYC Reissue ...

Black Arts Toneworks LSTR Fuzz Pedal
The Pharaoh’s unruly brother, LSTR provides the opposite of the Pharaoh. The LSTR is an all-out rock machine tuned and blended to deliver the signature Black Arts low end along with more fuzz than mamma allows , unique tone controls and LSTR’s understated, striking beauty. LSTR is from the same BMP family, but unlike the Pharaoh, which is dialed...

Black Arts Toneworks Black Sheep Fuzz Pedal
In all of it’s throwback glory, the Black Sheep. Dirty, mean spirited and a blast to hang around with. You can’t help but feeling a bit dirty when you plug in. This pedal operates on a Standard 9VDC power supply. No battery connection.

Black Arts Toneworks Black Forest Overdrive Pedal
Description:What you have here is a throwback to the glory days of rock and roll, with a Black Arts twist. The Black Forest takes a celebrated circuit and drags it through the dirt. More gain, more fatness. A six way selector allows you to set your gain/low end/voicing along with Fuzz, Bass, Treble and Volume. This forest grew with the helping h...

Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme Fuzz V3 Pedal
Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Supreme Fuzz V3 PedalThe Supreme has all of the sounds and abilities of the Standard and Primitive Pharaohs, but with some very useful additions and a bit of a twist.In place of the hi/lo switch, the Supreme utilizes a variable pre input control to infinitely adjust the saturation of the front end of the circuit from...

Black Arts Toneworks Sarcophagus Fuzz Pedal
The Sarcophagus takes two massive circuits and combines them into one unit, saving space, cabling and powering. The Pharaoh and LSTR are both present in the entirety with the addition of a toggle to reverse effect order. Pharaoh into LSTR or LSTR into Pharaoh. Built especially for the gain freaks, those who love more. More gain, more low end, mo...

Black Arts Toneworks Coven Overdrive/Fuzz 2-in-1 Pedal
The Black Arts Coven takes two very useful circuits and combines them into one unit, saving space, cabling and powering. The Pharaoh and Black Forest are here in their entirety with the addition of a toggle to switch the order of the effects. Pharaoh into Black Forest or Black Forest into Pharaoh at the flick of a switch. A hugely useful tone sh...

Black Arts Toneworks Destroyer V2 Fuzz Pedal
The Destroyer V2 combines the Ritual V2 and Oath into one unified assault. PART RITUAL, PART OATH. FULL DESTRUCTION. This goes from a controllable WALL OF FUZZ, to a SAVAGE PREAMP ANNIHILATOR. Use the Ritual or the OATH separately, OR STOMP BOTH AND DESTROY. New V2 version Ritual fuzz has more gain, compression and low mids on tap, roll guitar ...

Black Arts Toneworks Crown Of Horns Fuzz Pedal
Most families have one. One who is different, all the while resembling the others. The Crown of Horns is that one in the Black Arts Toneworks family. While the Pharaoh is the utilitarian BMP, the LSTR is the wild and outrageous brother, the Crown is the youngster with different DNA, possibly the mailman’s. Living in the BAT family, The Crown of ...

Black Arts Toneworks Fnord Fuzz Pedal
controls: filter, fnord, silencespecs: 9 volt operation, true bypassThe Fnord is a octaver / fuzz type circuit with some twists. It blends a scrambler / octaver type fuzz with a more traditional fuzz / distortion. From zipper/Velcro tones to a full throated distortion, or a combination of the two. Add a sizzle to your leads, make a rhythm sound ...