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Effects Pedals

29 Pedals EUNA Elite Unity Amplifier Pedal
29 Pedals EUNA Elite Unity Amplifier PedalAn input driver that replaces a conventional buffer, EUNA is built to protect and condition your instrument's signal to prepare it for whatever you want to do with it. Console grade build, three great sounding filters, and an alt-path insert loop for your classic fuzz and wah circuits that don't want to ...

29 Pedals TOKI Fuzz Driver Pedal

29 Pedals TOKI Fuzz Driver Pedal
29 Pedals TOKI Fuzz Driver PedalTOKI is a low to medium-high gain fuzz, a textured fuzzy driver that compliments your clean tone. Never out of control, always tasteful, warm and fuzzy always. Except double-bright mode. Loves to be dialed in as fuzz-as-low-gain-overdrive sound, like the early days but compatible with your larger pedal setup. Goes...

29 Pedals OAMP Output Amplfier/Buffer/Boost Pedal
29 Pedals OAMP Output Amplfier/Buffer/Boost PedalAn output driver that replaces conventional buffers, line drivers and preamps, OAMP makes up to 29dB of gain, provides final signal conditioning and sweetening, and will drive lots of cable or capacitive loads. OAMP will drive down to 600 ohms! The alt path is similar to EUNA, it's active when the...
Filter Products
- AB & Router Pedals
- Acoustic Guitar Effect Pedals
- Acoustic Guitar Simulators
- Amp & Cabinet Simulators
- Amp in a Pedal Pedals
- Amp Simulator Pedals
- Arpeggiator & Sequencer Pedals
- Audio Interfaces & Converters
- Auto Wah Pedals
- B-Stock
- Bass Guitar Effect Pedals
- Bass Preamps
- Bit Crusher Pedals
- Blender Pedals
- Boost Pedals
- Buffer and Junction Boxes
- Chorus Pedals
- Compressor Pedals
- Delay
- Delay Pedals
- DI Pedals
- Direct Boxes
- Distortion
- Distortion Pedals
- Distortion Pedals. Type_Overdrive Pedals
- Drum Beat and Rhythm Pedals
- Envelope Filter Pedals
- EQ & Tone Shaping Pedals
- Expression Pedals
- Filter Pedals
- Flanger Pedals
- Footswitch Pedals
- Fuzz Pedals
- Guitar Interfaces
- Guitar Multi Effects Pedals
- Limited Edition Pedals
- Looper Pedals
- MIDI Controllers
- MIDI Hubs
- Mini Pedals
- Mixer Pedals
- Modded Pedals
- Modulation Pedals
- Mute Switch Pedals
- Noise Reduction Pedals
- Octave Pedals
- Other Guitar Effects Pedals
- Overdrive Pedals
- Pedal Board Bags & Cases
- Pedal Board Power Supplies
- Pedal Board Power Supplies
- Pedal Wall Warts & Parts
- Pedalboard Risers
- Phaser Pedals
- Pitch Shifting Pedals
- Preamp Pedals
- Reamp Boxes
- Reverb
- Reverb Pedals
- Ring Modulator Pedals
- Rotary Pedals
- Signature Model Pedals
- Speaker Cabinet Simulator Pedals
- Synth Pedals
- Talkbox Pedals
- Treble Boost Pedals
- Tremolo
- Tremolo Pedals
- Tube Preamp Pedals
- Tuner Pedals
- Tuners
- Vibe Pedal
- Vibe Pedals
- Vibrato Pedal
- Vibrato Pedals
- Vocal Effects Pedals
- Vocoder Pedals
- Volume Pedals
- Wah Pedals
- 1 Spot
- 1981 Inventions
- 29 Pedals
- Aanalog man
- Aguilar
- Airis Effects
- Alexander
- Alexander Pedals
- All-Pedal
- Ampeg
- AnalogMan
- Animals Pedals
- Bananana Effects
- BeatBuddy
- Beetronics
- Benson
- Black Arts Toneworks
- Blackout Effectors
- Blackstar
- Bogner
- Bondi Effects
- Boss
- Caroline
- Catalinbread
- Chase Bliss
- Damnation Audio
- Danelectro
- Darkglass
- Death By Audio
- Diamond Pedals
- Diezel
- Digitech
- Disaster Area Designs
- DLS Effects
- Does It Doom
- DrScientist
- Dunlop
- Dwarfcraft Devices
- EarthQuaker Devices
- Echo Fix
- Electric Eye Audio
- Electro-Harmonix
- Elta Music
- Emerson Custom Guitars
- Empress Effects
- Ernie Ball
- Eventide
- Fairfield Circuitry
- Fender
- Fish Circuits
- Fishman
- Fortin
- Frantone
- Free The Tone
- Friedman
- Frost Giant Electronics
- Fulltone
- Fuzzlord Effects
- Gallien-Krueger
- Gamechanger Audio
- GFI System
- Goodwood Audio
- Greer
- GuitarSystems
- Heil Sound
- Hermida
- Hudson Electronics
- Ibanez
- IK Multimedia
- Interstellar Audio Machines
- ISP Technologies
- Jackson Audio
- JangleBox
- Jetter
- JHS Pedals
- Keeley
- KHDK Electronics
- Klon
- Koch
- Lerxst
- Line 6
- Lovepedal
- LRBaggs
- Mad Professor
- Maestro
- Malekko Heavy Industry
- Marshall
- Matthews Effects
- Maxon
- Meris
- Mesa Boogie
- Mission Engineering
- Mojo Hand FX
- Mooer
- Morpheus
- Mr. Black
- Mu-Tron
- Neunaber Audio Effects
- Neural DSP
- Nobels
- Old Blood Noise Endeavors
- One Control
- Orange
- Origin Effects
- Palmer
- Paul C
- Paul Reed Smith
- Pig Hog
- Pigtronix
- Poly Effects
- Prescription Electronics
- ProCo
- Radial Engineering
- Rainger FX
- Recovery Effects
- Red Panda
- Retro-Sonic
- Revv Amplification
- RJM Music Technology
- Rockett Pedals
- Rocktron
- Roland
- Seymour Duncan
- Sheeran Loopers
- Singular Sound
- Skreddy Pedals
- Soldano
- Source Audio
- Spaceman
- Static Effectors
- Stomp Under Foot
- Strymon
- Subdecay
- Suhr
- Supro
- T-Rex
- TC Electronic
- Tech 21
- ThorpyFX
- Trace Elliot
- Two Notes
- Universal Audio
- Vemuram
- Vertex Effects
- Voodoo Lab
- Vox
- Walrus Audio
- Wampler
- Warm Audio
- Wren And Cuff
- Wylde Audio
- Xotic Effects
- Zoom
- Zvex