Effects Pedals

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Electric Eye Audio Mud Killer Overdrive Pedal

Electric Eye Audio Mud Killer Overdrive Pedal


Electric Eye Audio Mud Killer Overdrive/Boost PedalMud killer as the name says kills the mud. Controls how many unwanted frequencies enter before the distortion of the amp or pedal, which leaves the tone "muddy". Creating an extremely sharp, cutting edge, tight bass with lots of gain. Good for Modern Metal in low pitches and special options for ...

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Electric Eye Audio Mud Killer Overdrive Pedal - Blackout Limited Edition

Electric Eye Audio Mud Killer Overdrive Pedal - Blackout Limited Edition


Electric Eye Audio Mud Killer Overdrive/Boost PedalMud killer as the name says kills the mud. Controls how many unwanted frequencies enter before the distortion of the amp or pedal, which leaves the tone "muddy". Creating an extremely sharp, cutting edge, tight bass with lots of gain. Good for Modern Metal in low pitches and special options for ...

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