Effects Pedals

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Stomp Under Foot MCG 73 Fuzz

Stomp Under Foot MCG 73 Fuzz Pedal


Motor City Guitar is super pumped to offer the "MCG 73" from our friends and fuzzmasters at Stomp Under Foot! Matt from Stomp Under Foot not only makes some of the greatest fuzz pedals on the planet, he has also amassed a collection of the greatest fuzzes in history! The MCG 73 is based on one of Matt's favorite vintage Ram's Head® Big Muff™ p...

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Stomp Under Foot Limited Edition 1973 "2247" RAM'S HEAD® Fuzz Pedal

Stomp Under Foot Limited Edition 1973 "2247" RAM'S HEAD® Fuzz Pedal


The 2247 is based on a very rare version of a 1973 Ram's Head and has a very different tone than other pedals from that time.What makes it different are large-value and large-in-size capacitors that give it a big, open tone. The gain is full and crunchy with an amazing amount of clarity throughout the pedal. Turning the gain down gives the pedal...

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