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Epi Viola Bass - Vintage SB

Epiphone Viola Bass - Vintage Sunburst


Epiphone Viola Bass, Vintage SunburstViolaEpiphone introduces the Viola, one of the most recognized basses in the world. A popular bass for British Invasion bands who couldn’t afford finer Gibson and Epiphone instruments, the Viola’s unique construction and woody tone produce unique sound on stage and in the studio. Today, vintage models are dif...

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Epi EB-0 BASS - Cherry

Epiphone SG EB-0 Short Scale Bass Guitar - Cherry


Epiphone EB-0 Bass, CherryHistory of the Classic EB BassIt seems incredible in hindsight but in the early 1960s, the Kalamazoo factory, home to both Epiphone and Gibson instruments, ceased production of the Les Paul guitar and in its place, created the "SG" design. And as it so often does, changes in guitar design also influenced bass design, to...

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