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Fulltone Custom Shop Ranger Treble Booster Pedal

Fulltone Custom Shop Ranger Treble Booster Pedal
Fulltone Custom Shop CS-Ranger - Treble BoosterThe Fulltone Custom Shop CS-Ranger. The greatest Rangemaster treble booster clone ever?Here's why Fulltone thinks it could be:• Proprietary Power supply design allows this PNP (Positive to ground) Germanium pedal to be powered by any standard NPN (Negative to Ground) power supply!• 6-position rotary...

Fulltone 2B Boost Pedal

Fulltone 2B Boost Pedal
Description:The Fulltone 2B is an amazing boost pedal, born from the “Boost” channel in Fulltone's FD3 pedal. Soon after the FD3 came out, Fulltone started getting a steady flow of emails asking if they could “please make that into a single channel Boost pedal!” So they crammed the circuit into the smallest possible enclosure 4.5" x 2.1" x 2.3" ...