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Eddy Finn Stars & Moon Ukulele

Eddy Finn EF-MOON Concert Ukulele


Eddy Finn EF-MOON Concert UkuleleFor sheer uniqueness, it doesn’t get much cooler than the Eddy Finn EF-MOON uke. Despite it’s circular shape, the EF-MOON is comfortable, balanced and easy to play. Because of the oversized body, the EF-MOON generates a sizeable amount of bass response when compared to other ukes and the opened grained matte fi n...

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Eddy Finn Peanut Compact Uke

Eddy Finn EF-PNUT Peanut Compact Travel Soprano Ukulele


Eddy Finn EF-PNUT Peanut Soprano UkuleleThe Peanut could almost fi t in your pocket! Designed to be deliberately small, the Peanut has a voice all its own due to the undersized body and special sound port on the side of the body. It has a unique individual tone thats unlike any other and is a great addition to any uke player’s arsenalof goodies!...

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Eddy Finn Cigar Box Ukulele

Eddy Finn EF-CGBX-1 Cigar Box Concert Ukulele


Eddy Finn EF-CGBX-1 Cigar Box Concert UkuleleThe Road House Cigar Box Style Ukulele is concert size with 18 frets and features an allspruce body, mahogany neck, blackwood fi ngerboard, walnut bridge, and Aquila strings.Its slotted headstock adds to the early 1900s cigar box art graphics (front and back)developed specifi cally for this model, and...

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