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Catalinbread Tremolo 8 Pedal with Reverb

Catalinbread Tremolo 8 Pedal with Reverb


Catalinbread Tremolo 8 Pedal with Reverb"Tremolo" is only scratching the surface. With 8 unique programs, the Tremolo8 shows you what volume modulation is truly capable of.In a past life, this project started as a pedal for their personal enjoyment; a digitized model of the Fender Showman’s "harmonic vibrato". The experiment was a resounding suc...

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Catalinbread Valcoder Tremolo

Catalinbread Valcoder Valco/Supro Amp Tremolo Pedal


Description:The Valco company of Chicago made amplifiers under their own name in addition to building amps for other companies such as Supro, National, and Gretsch, to name a few. Most of these were lower powered amps with a great sounding natural tube breakup and many models also featured a unique sounding tube driven tremolo. It had a hypnotic...

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