Prescription Electronics Experience Octave Fuzz & Swell Pedal

$399.95 $499.95
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Experience - Fuzz, Octave, Swell

Based on the iconic Jimi Hendrix sound. Elaborated Foxx Tone Machine derivative with Fuzz, Octave, and Swell foot switches; Vol, Tone, Sustain, and Swell knobs.

Modes: Fuzz-Octave-Swell

Control knobs: The first three control knobs: Vol., Tone, Sustain, function in all three modes. The Swell control knob functions only in the Swell mode.

Volume control: By adjusting the volume control the "effect" volume can be boosted, cut, or made to match the normal instrument volume. A volume boost of up to three times normal volume is possible with this unit.

Tone control: This control provides for a bass or treble tone boost. For bass boost set control at minimum. For treble boost set control at maximum.

Sustain control: This control will affect the length of the sustain and the amount of distortion or fuzz. A minimum setting of this control will produce a natural speaker distortion. By advancing the control, a heavier, overdriven sound is heard, useful for creating airplane, divebombs and other various sound effects.

Swell control: Use this control to adjust the volume of the swell in Swell mode.

Battery: Battery power is on when guitar cord is connected. This unit uses one standard 9V battery.

Fuzz: The fuzz switch must be on in order for the pedal to operate in any of the three modes. You may pre-set the Octave and Swell switches to turn on when the Fuzz is switched on.

Octave Switch: This switch must be on in order for the Octave or Swell modes to be in use. We recommend using low to moderate tone settings for adding subtle character to single note lines.

Swell mode: To operate "Swell mode" all three switches must be on.

Note: Finishes and knob styles may vary with Precription pedals. We are happy to send photos of the current options upon request.